The Greenfield Library supports the mission of the college, and seeks to reflect its philosophy of education. The majority of acquisitions for the library are primary sources and original texts.
Collection Development Levels: The primary collection development emphasis is on acquiring various editions and translations of works written by St. John's College Program authors. The primary focus in collection development is to acquire those works constituting the core readings. Secondly, the library collects complete works by Program authors in their original languages and translations.
The third collection development focus is to acquire secondary works related to the Program authors.
The fourth collection area is that of notable authors outside the Program area. Works studied in preceptorials, study groups, and works that support students who pursue graduate work are collected.
Recordings and typescripts of lectures, sound recordings of Program books, and language learning materials are collected. Current class manuals used in tutorials are available for immediate use on reserve. Periodicals are collected for the purposes of news and current events awareness, for keeping abreast of scholarly writing that has direct relevance to the program, and for providing scholarly and professional literature for students interested in pursuing graduate education.
Refer to the Donation policy for acceptable donations.
Special Collections and Archives: New acquisitions to the special collections are acquired by selected and solicited donations. Rare books are acquired and added to the collection as the budget allows. The college archives consist of records related to the history of St. John's College and all official records deemed permanent and valuable to the various college offices. Guidelines for office record retention have been set forth under the record management program overseen by the library director.
St. John's College archives is the central repository for the collecting, arranging, describing, and preserving of material that documents the history of St. John's College and its administration, faculty, staff, and alumni. Currently, materials are also housed in the various college offices or their designated spaces, and in one designated state repository. The library's special collections is distinct from college archives, and includes rare books, books of exceptional value, and collections of personal papers.
Requests to access the archives and special collections should be directed to the Library Director, and may be submitted by telephone, letter, or email. An appointment is strongly encouraged, with as much advanced notification as possible. Hours for accessing the archives are 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
General Policies: The Library Director serves as the college archivist. The college archivist, in conjunction with the college archives and records management committee, oversees the transfer of materials to the college archives according to the established records management plan. This plan provides a comprehensive schedule for record retention college-wide.
Material donated to the college archives will become the exclusive and absolute property of the college archives.
When material is judged open for public viewing, it shall be open to any member of the public and equal viewing access will be provided. However, some materials are judged to be confidential and protected by privacy acts, and therefore these materials will be restricted from viewing.
It is the responsibility of the user of the college archives and special collections to obtain copyright permission to reproduce or publish archival materials including photos. Users will assume all responsibility for questions of copyright and/or invasion of privacy that may arise in copying and using the materials, including photographs. Permission for access to the college archives or special collection is not an authorization to publish. The library does not assume any responsibility for infringement. If the library is the copyright holder, the library will grant non-exclusive rights to publication for a one-time permission only.
Photocopying and photograph reproduction will be charged on a cost recovery basis for scholarly uses. Fees beyond financial recovery may be charged for commercial use of the archival materials. Ordinarily, permission is granted for one-time only publication.
College Corporate Record Policies: Corporate records include both administrative and operational records. These records pertain to the operations, functions, policies, procedures, decisions, structure, activities, organization, and history of the college. Collection materials include personnel records, student records, and financial records. Corporate records are the sole property of the college. All records are to be left for successors upon changes in staff. Corporate records do not include records produced in a private capacity. The confidential nature of college corporate records may require that these materials not be made available to the public for a set period of time. Restrictions vary with each college office. Each college office is responsible for records under their respective oversight.
Personnel records shall be closed for a designated period of time determined in conjunction with the college officers and the director of human resources, and requests for such records are routed through the director of human resources.
Student records are protected under the FERPA Act and fall under the jurisdiction of the registrar. Requests for student records are routed through the office of the registrar.
The Library Director, serving in the capacity of college archivist, has the right to impose longer closure on sensitive corporate records housed in the college archives.
Current administrative officers will be granted access for purposes related to the incumbent's position to records created by former holders of the office with the written approval of the current senior administrative officer. For corporate records, the senior administrative officer is defined as president, vice president, dean, or one who reports to the same.
College records are selected and maintained on an established schedule set for the entire college, and is cyclic in nature. Each college office has been provided with the schedule of retention and withdrawal. For additional information please contact the Library Director.
Personal Papers Policy: Personal papers are defined as those records that record information regarding non-employment activities of an individual. Such papers do not record the activities and /or decisions undertaken while performing college duties, functions, or activities, but are records that represent those activities that are distinct and separate from college business. Personal papers are usually those of faculty, staff and alumni.
The Library Director acting in his/her capacity as college archivist will obtain, or make arrangements to obtain, the signature of the donor on a deed of gift. The deed of gift is a formal, legal, agreement that transfers ownership of, and legal rights in, the materials to be donated. This serves as the donor agreement, identifying the donor and the transfer of legal ownership of materials to the college archives, establishes provisions for their use, specifies intellectual property and reproduction rights of the materials.
The Library Director serving as archivist retains the right to refuse material if it is deemed that the requests for restriction cannot be honored, or if the requests are deemed too stringent or too lenient.
Personal papers will be administered under the same rules as the college records. The Library Director serving as archivist retains the right to deem some material as sensitive and impose lengthier closure status.
Personal papers, as well as any archival materials in the library's collection, are non-circulating, and may not be removed from the college archives. Preservation rules of use are available for all users of the college archives and special collections.
Use Policy: Photographs housed in the St. John's College Archives of Greenfield Library may be protected by copyright law. Permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder. The granting of permission to publish by Greenfield Library does not absolve users of these photographs from securing permission from copyright owners, or from payment of additional fees as the owners may require if the College does not own copyright, or if the materials are not in the public domain. Applicants/users assume all responsibility for questions of copyright and invasion of privacy that may arise from copying, and from the use made of the reproduction. All users requesting reproduction of photographs must indicate how the image will be used. A fee may be charged for commercial, non-scholarly use.
Unless an exception is granted in writing:
Photograph Reproduction Costs
Scan to email or CD--$10 per image