This is a guide with links to full-text/audio resources of program works. Below is a list of databases with full-text sources and audio recordings. For help accessing these resources, please contact Catherine Hines, Library Director at 410-626-2550 or
Digital Loeb Classical Library | Early Modern Texts | Naxos Spoken Word Library | Open Library (Internet Archive) | Project Gutenberg |
Date | Reading | Online Resources |
January 8 |
Thucydides: Peloponnesian War I; II, 1–54 |
January 11 |
Thucydides: Peloponnesian War II: 55–78; III: 1–87; IV: 1–74 |
(see January 8 links) |
January 15 |
Thucydides: Peloponnesian War IV: 75–end; V: 1–26, 84–116; VI |
(see January 8 links) |
January 18 |
Thucydides: Peloponnesian War VII; VIII: 1–6, 45–end |
(see January 8 links) |
January 22 |
Plato: Parmenides beginning–148D, 166C |
January 25 |
Plato: Theaetetus beginning–186 |
January 29 |
Plato: Theaetetus 187–end |
(see January 25 links) |
February 1 |
Plato: Sophist beginning–242B |
February 5 |
Plato: Sophist 242C–end |
(see February 1 links) |
February 8 |
Plato: Timaeus beginning–57 |
February 12 |
Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics Book I |
February 15 |
Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics Books II, III |
(see February 12 links) |
February 19 |
Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics Books IV, V |
(see February 12 links) |
February 22 |
Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics Books VI, VII |
(see February 12 links) |
February 26 |
Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics Books VIII, IX |
(see February 12 links) |
February 29 |
Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics Book X |
(see February 12 links) |
March 18 |
Aristotle: Politics I: 1–7 (1252a1–1255b40), 12–13 (1259a37–1260b25); III: 1-11 (1274b30–1282b13) |
March 21 |
Aristotle: Politics 1282b14–1288b6 (III: 12–18); 1288b10–1297a13 1323a14–1326b26 1327b18–1328a21 |
(see March 18 links) |
March 25 | Sophocles: Philoctetes |
March 28 | Euripides: Bacchae |
April 1 |
Aristotle: Poetics Chapters 1–19 (1447a10–1456b19) |
April 4 |
Aristotle: Physics I (A): 1 (184a10–184b16); II (B) (192b8–200b11) |
April 8 |
Aristotle: Physics III (Γ): 1–3 (200b12–202b29); IV (Δ): 10–14 (217b30–224a16) |
(see April 4 links) |
April 11 |
Aristotle: Physics III (Γ): 4–6 (202b30–207a32); IV (Δ): 1–2 (208a28–210a13), 4–5 (210b33–213a12), 8 (214b12–216b21) |
(see April 4 links) |
April 15 |
Aristotle: Physics VIII (θ): 1 (250b11–252b6), 4–7 (254b7–261b26), 9-10 (265a13–267b26) |
(see April 4 links) |
April 18 |
Aristotle: Metaphysics I (Α): 1–7 (980a21–988b22); II (α) (993a30–995a20) |
April 22 |
Aristotle: Metaphysics IV (Γ): 1–4 (1003a21–1009a5); VII (Ζ): 1–3 (1028a10–1029b12), 17 (1041a6–b33) |
(see April 18 links) |
April 25 |
Aristotle: Metaphysics IX (Θ): 6 (1048a25–b36), 8 (1049b4–1051a3); XII (Λ): 1 (1069a18–b7), 6–10 (1071b3–1076a4) |
(see April 18 links) |
April 29 |
Aristotle: On the Soul I: 1; II: 1–7, 11–12 |
May 2 |
Aristotle: On the Soul III: 1–13 |
(see April 29 links) |
May 6 |
Plato: Phaedrus beginning–257 |
May 9 |
Plato: Phaedrus 257–end |
(see May 6 links) |
May 20 |
Plato: Phaedrus 257–end |
(see May 6 links) |